Mentions légales _

FOX Leather est une marque commerciale qui n’a pas de magasin de détail. 
Nous ne travaillons qu’en ligne.

FOX Leather
Propriétaire : Sergi Talló
Bastianstrasse 19 
13357 – Berlin 

Téléphone : +49 151 717 06112
Courrier électronique :
Site web :

Numéro d’identification fiscale : 23/554/01203

Plate-forme de la Commission européenne pour la résolution des litiges en ligne :

Nous ne sommes ni obligés ni désireux de participer à une procédure de règlement des litiges devant un conseil d’arbitrage pour les consommateurs.

Responsabilité des liens

Notre offre contient des liens vers des sites web externes, sur le contenu desquels nous n’avons aucune influence. Par conséquent, nous ne pouvons assumer aucune responsabilité pour ces contenus externes. Le fournisseur ou l’exploitant des pages concernées est toujours responsable du contenu des pages liées. Les pages liées ont été vérifiées au moment de la mise en place du lien afin de détecter d’éventuelles violations de la loi. Les contenus illégaux n’étaient pas reconnaissables au moment de la création du lien. Un contrôle permanent du contenu des pages liées n’est pas raisonnable sans preuve concrète d’une violation de la loi. Si nous avons connaissance d’infractions, nous supprimerons immédiatement ces liens.


Les contenus et les œuvres créés par les opérateurs du site sur ces pages sont soumis au droit d’auteur allemand. La duplication, le traitement, la distribution ou toute forme de commercialisation de ce matériel au-delà du champ d’application de la loi sur le droit d’auteur requiert le consentement écrit préalable de son auteur ou créateur respectif. Les téléchargements et les copies de ce site ne sont autorisés que pour un usage privé et non commercial. Dans la mesure où le contenu de ce site n’a pas été créé par l’opérateur, les droits d’auteur des tiers sont respectés. En particulier, les contenus de tiers sont identifiés comme tels. Si vous avez néanmoins connaissance d’une violation du droit d’auteur, veuillez nous en informer. Si nous avons connaissance d’une infraction, nous retirerons immédiatement ce contenu.

Conditions générales de vente _

1. Scope of application

FOX Leather is available online at

The business relationship between FOX Leather (hereinafter referred to as FOX) and the customer shall be governed exclusively by the following General Terms and Conditions in the version valid at the time the order is placed.
FOX does not recognise any deviating terms and conditions of the customer unless FOX has expressly agreed to their validity in writing prior to the conclusion of the contract.

2. Offers and conclusion of contract

The information provided on the website or in other electronic media does not constitute an offer, but merely product and price information.
When the customer places an order, FOX sends an e-mail confirming receipt of the order. This confirmation does not constitute acceptance of your offer, but is only intended to inform you that we have received your order.
A purchase contract is only concluded when FOX sends you the ordered product and confirms the dispatch with a second e-mail (dispatch confirmation).
The name (and additionally the telephone number) of the delivery company as well as the costs associated with the respective order will also appear there.
The contract is concluded by debiting the purchase price from the customer’s credit card, sending the declaration of acceptance or by receipt of the goods themselves.

3. Payment, default of payment, default of acceptance

Payment of the purchase price is usually made by debiting the customer’s credit card, by PayPal or by bank transfer.

FOX reserves the right in individual cases to agree payment of the purchase price by invoice, direct debit or cash in advance.
The delivery or dispatch of the object of purchase shall only take place after receipt of payment of the purchase price.
If FOX delivers against invoice, default shall occur with the consequence of the payment of default interest at the latest 30 days after delivery and receipt of an invoice or equivalent payment schedule, whichever occurs first. This shall not apply by way of exception if a different, longer term of payment has been agreed. In the event of default in payment, interest of 5% above the base rate or, in the case of entrepreneurs, 8% above the base rate shall be payable to FOX in accordance with § 288 BGB.
In the event of default in payment of a claim for payment by FOX, the statutory flat-rate default fee of € 40 within the meaning of § 288 (5) of the German Civil Code (BGB) and a reminder fee of € 15 per further reminder shall also be payable.
If FOX can prove that it has incurred higher damages as a result of the delay, FOX shall be entitled to claim these.

4. Retention of title

FOX shall retain title to the goods delivered until the purchase price has been paid in full. In the case of contracts with entrepreneurs, FOX shall retain ownership of the goods delivered until all claims arising from an ongoing business relationship have been settled in full.

5. Price

Unless otherwise stated, the prices of the products displayed by FOX on its website include the statutory value added tax and other price components. All amounts are listed separately and on an individual basis.

6. Warranty and liability, set-off, assignment

Warranty and liability shall be governed by the statutory provisions. The warranty period is 2 years and begins with the handover of the goods; if the customer is an entrepreneur, the warranty is limited to 1 year.

If the delivered item is defective, we shall provide a warranty by rectifying the defect (subsequent improvement) or by delivering a defect-free item (replacement delivery).
If a replacement delivery is made, the customer shall be obliged to return the goods first delivered within 30 days at FOX’s expense.
In the event of a return under the above conditions, the return shall be free of charge for the customer. FOX will refund the purchase price paid. If a return is not made in accordance with the conditions, the shipping costs incurred will not be refunded. FOX reserves the right to claim damages under the legally regulated conditions.

FOX shall be liable without limitation insofar as the cause of the damage is based on intent or gross negligence.

In commercial business transactions it is necessary that the commercial customer has duly complied with his obligations to examine the goods and to give notice of defects as stipulated in §§ 377, 378 HGB (German Commercial Code).

The above limitations of liability shall not apply in the event of injury to life, limb or health, for a defect following the assumption of a guarantee for the quality of the product and in the event of fraudulently concealed defects.

In the event of a warranty claim, please contact:

FOX Leather
Bastianstrasse 19
13357 –  Berlin
Phone: +49 151 717 06112 

7. Storage of the contract text

The text of the contract is not stored by us and cannot be retrieved after the order process has been completed. However, the customer can print out the order data immediately after sending the order.

8. Liability exclusion for external links

FOX provides links to other sites on the Internet on its pages. FOX expressly declares that it has no influence whatsoever on the design and content of the linked pages. We therefore expressly distance ourselves from all content of all linked third-party sites and do not adopt this content as our own. This declaration applies to all links displayed and to all contents of the pages to which links lead.

9. Applicable law

These general Terms and Conditions are subject to German law.

10. Juristiction

Any disputes arising in connection with the website or the activities taking place on it shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Berlin, Germany, and the user expressly waives any other jurisdiction to which he may be entitled. The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply.
The contractual language is German.

Échange et retour _

Here goes the return shit

Données personnelles _

List of processing activities of the controller pursuant to Article 30 (1) of the GDPR

1. Information about the responsible person

The controller of data processing on this website within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is

FOX Leather
Bastianstrasse, 19
13357 – Berlin
Tel.: +49 151 717 06112

2. Processing activity: Analysis of user behaviour (web analysis)

The following is a description of the procedure for analysing user behaviour with regard to our website.
We process personal data for the following purpose and category(es):

2.1 Analysis of user behaviour, optimisation of our own Internet presence, statistical evaluations
2.2 Customers, website visitors
2.3 Behavioural and website visitor data
       Deletion period: until revocation or objection, unless there is a longer legal retention period.
2.4 No data is transferred to a third country

3. Processing activity: Advertising

The following is a description of the procedure involving the processing of data in advertising.
We process personal data for the following purpose and category(es):

3.1 Direct advertising, advertising on social networks
3.2 Customers, website visitors
3.3 Order data, customer contact data
       Deletion period: 10 years (statutory retention period)
3.4 There is no transfer of data to a third country

4. Processing activity: Processing of orders

The following is a description of the procedure which involves the processing of data in the context of processing an order.
We process personal data for the following purpose and category(es):

4.1 Processing customer orders
4.2 Customer contact data, payment data (bank details)
       Deletion period: 10 years (statutory retention period)
4.3 Shipping service providers
4.4 No data is transferred to a third country

5. Processing activity: Delivery of goods

The following is a description of the process which involves the delivery of goods to customers.
We process personal data for the following purpose and category(es):

5.1 Delivery of goods
5.2 Customers
5.3 Customer contact data with address data
       Deletion period: 10 years (statutory retention period)
5.4 Shipping service providers
5.5 No data is transferred to a third country

6. Technical and organisational measures (TOM) for the protection of personal data

We take the following measures to secure personal data or to guarantee the rights of data subjects:

– Installation of up-to-date anti-virus and security software.
– Use of software that is provided with security updates by software manufacturers
– Regularly securing data through backups
– Regularly changing passwords
– Regularly installing updates for installed programmes
– Secure storage of backup data media
– Secure removal of customer data before disposal of IT equipment and data carriers
– Blocking if incorrect passwords are entered
– Destruction of paper files by means of a paper file shredder/shredder
– Encryption of the WLAN network and use of secure passwords for WLAN routers
– Use of secure passwords
– Allowing automatic updates for the operating system

Date of the last amendment of this processing directory: 10.04.2021